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Thursday 1 January 2015

Secrets Of New Seven Wonder Of The World: Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu:

Machu Pichhu , Peru
flickr:  Machu Picchu 

This one is most different form of wonder place with beauty, scenario, construction, location called Machu Picchu. Loacated in Urubama region in Peru, since it is situated in Machu Picchu District, Hence named.
Machu Picchu Situated at height of 2,430 meters (7,970 ft) above sea level ナyes this is too high. It is nestled on a small hilltop between the Andean Mountain Range, the majestic city soars above the Urabamba Valley below. The Incan built structure has been deemed the "Lost Cities of Incas". Inca was the popular form region has civilized at approx 1450. Two main incas was  Pachacutec Inca Yupanqui &  Tupac Inca Yupanqui. Many inhabitants died from smallpox introduced by travelers before the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the area.
Machu Pichhu has reconstructed at 1911 and most of its design has new construction and flooring. Even today restoration is continues which makes nice tour of visiting. Machu Pichhu has  pure archaeologists background

======Secrets & Facts=======:

1. Machu Picchu is vulnerable to some natural facts like earthquakes and weather systems.

2 . After EsprituPampa, Machu Pichhu was last incan city.

3. Machu Pichhu also refers to as Virgins of the Sun i.e. Temple of sun.

4. Some of skeletons found here supposed to be half man and half woman.

Machu Pichhu , Peru

flickr: Machu Pichhu

5. One of the famous stone in south America is Inti Watana. This stone is used to build up for Machu Pichhu's Pillar and kept to point directly at the sun during the winter solstice. Name of stone came from Quechua language which means "Inti-wata" Known as tie up with sun, Shockingly
At 11 November and 30 January sun stands almost above pillar, without any shadow.
21 June is sun has longest shadow and 21 Jan has shortest shadow. No doubt it must a clock for incans. 

6. During Study & research of  Bingham (researcher of Machu Pichhu), he collect some interesting artifacts like ceremonial Incan knives made from bismuth bronze. These knives were molded in the 15th century and prone artifacts of bismuth bronze.

7. Machu Pichhu was blessed for landscape and nature, because it is situated at right pointed of sun, built in circle of urubama river and clean view of equinoxes.

8. Machu Pichhu has a proof of human sacrifices along with improper sacrifices, that found as skeletons. People also believe that Machu Pichhu's design is alien based. Because of highly archaeological and different textures aspects.

9. Incas build secret place like Inca bridges, Inca rope bridges for their army. Design of Machu  Pichhu has 200 buildings (form of mountain) situated as parallel buildings with open terrace, one above other. Caves of incas  designed to celebrate and observe the Royal Feast of the Sun in festival season called Qhapaq Raymi. In this festival boys of hood turns to men by ear-piercing. , in this architect walls, steps and windows are all are the few finest masonry made by incas which is unique in Machu Picchu. Interior of Building of trapezoidal window. Terrace of buildings construction was so perfect and used chips of stones which helps to avoid mud and landslides, as well as flooding.

11. Incas was master in technique ashlar. In this blocks of stones cut to fit tightly without use of Mortar. Stone used by Incas was polished dry stone. Even today some blocks doesn't allow to fit thin metal shits .

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