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Saturday, 20 December 2014

How To Be Careful On Terrorist Attack In School

Precautions in school against terroristic attack:

image source : image advance search free to reuse and fotor
1 All schools should have concrete walls, where a 24-hour stay of guards.

2 Confusion someone, then do not try to escape and go without waiting for the police to come .

3 If all  children are  in school then gate should be closed immediately after the main gate.

4 Keep an eye on the movement after a suspect who broke into the school, so that at the instant the alarm in time to warn everyone to be on the safe place.

5 Also  if you see parents, relative  and school staff in such circumstances do not go there or shout.

6 Every school should have notification SMS service to police.

7 Schools Public Address System and alarm systems as well as all its precautionary measures .should be regular mock drills.

8 Police patrolling at such places should be attentive to the system.

9 It can avoid being a victim of the shooting rampage gestures, hence try to act as died.

Try to talk with them and the least sound.

9 Where are the teachers know that the terrorists, so they try to remove children from their discretion.

10 Now each school should running a program like workshops, training 

Hope fully in future no terrorist will kill, A future (i.e. children).

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