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Friday 6 February 2015

Attractions Of Guwahati: Anthropological Museum

Anthropological Museum

Guwahati City.jpg
"Guwahati City" by Vikramjit Kakati - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Short Overview:

Anthropological Museum houses an ethnological collection of the various branches of anthropology and is associated with Department of Anthropology, Guwahati University. The collections in the museum include ethnographic, prehistoric, archeological and anthropological objects, textiles, jewellery, Thankaas, photographs, musical instruments, masks, metal objects, basketry, weapons and pottery.

Long Overview:

Anthropological Museum is located inside the campus of Guwahati University. The anthropological museum was established in 1948.The museum is under the supervision of Department of Anthropology of that University. The museum showcases various types of archeological items, anthropological objects, ethnographic and prehistoric objects. The museum also houses weapons, bamboo crafts, combs, flint box, smoking pipe, headgear, agricultural implements, hunting implements pottery, photographs, musical instruments, metal objects, basketry, textiles, and jewellery's and masks.

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